Friday, October 8, 2010

Non-Special People Part I

Let’s get this straight: Being a mom does not make you special. There are literally like billions of them and you are no more special than any those.

So you nurse your children’s wounds, you read them bedtime stories, you watch after them, you provide for them tasty and nutritious food, and you hug them and let them know that you love them unconditionally and tell them that they could be anything in the world.

Fantastic. Good. You are doing your job. That’s the standard for being a good mom. Congratulations. If it were a real paying job, we would promote you to lead mother for your local group of mothers and you would offer motherly advice to said mothers.

However, being a mom does not grant you special mom powers. You do not have special privileges that the childless do not. Letting your kid scream in the middle of the mall is not acceptable behavior. If I started throwing a hissy fit because no one would buy me ice cream I’d probably be escorted out of the mall and told not to come back.

You do not deserve to have special rights. If I bust my boob out in public, it’s indecency. That’s at least a ticket if not a little time in the drunk tank in the jail. If you start feeding your baby boob juice at a Starbuck’s it’s supposedly beautiful and natural. How about a little respect for those of us that don’t want to watch a baby suckle on your fun bags?

Look, if being a mom was a special gig you would need some sort of credential to prove it. Do you have a doctorate in motherhood? At the very least a certificate? All you need is a working reproductive system and some sperms. You had a choice to become a mom. Stop acting like you deserve accolades for doing the very thing you signed up for.

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